
C6 Register

Model details of the Citroen C6

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3ai4011czMauritius BlueExclusive2.2 HDiManual7,6Mot and in useYesxm-milan
NJ07 VVBEnglandStorm GreyLignage2.2 HDiManualMot and in useNoC6Paul
KW56 GNVEnglandStorm GreyExclusive2.2 HDiManual44Mot and in useNoDan595
RV 56 LJFEnglandDeep RedLignage2.2 HDiManualMot and in useNomog1842
AE 002FranceFulminator GreyLignage2.2 HDiManualMot and in useNobertrand07
XXXXXKM 57 UKXEnglandArctic SteelExclusive2.2 HDiManualMot and in useNospeedfix
37 PGG 6the NetherlandsFulminator GreyLignage2.2 HDiManual48.70Mot and in useNocitrohanc6
GJ59RCVEnglandArctic SteelExclusive2.2 HDiManual32Mot and in useNoSnowy20
MJ09 MXMEnglandArctic SteelLignage2.2 HDiManual33Mot and in useNoGrumpytvr
8072FWZ SpainBlackExclusive2.2 HDiManualMot and in useNolrhart
cjz 165SwedenStorm GreyExclusive2.2 HDiManualMot and in useYesMotala swedendatmbn
DO556STITALYBlackLignage2.2 HDiManualMot and in useNobigmario
GJ59UZVWalesBlackExclusive2.2 HDiManual39.3Mot and in useNodiyjoke
V6 CCVNG57 RFNEnglandSable GoldExclusive2.2 HDiManualSold or TradedNoMarmaduke
NS-194-ORBG-812-196SerbiaSuroit GreenLignage2.2 HDiManual27Mot and in useYesBelgrade,Novi SadCaptainatr72
69 AJDGF59HCKUKDeep RedExclusive2.2 HDiManual40Mot and in useNoAnthonyJD
B 0110 HXAE 446 ZCBulgariaArctic SteelLignage2.2 HDiManual1Mot and in useNoskindive
C6 RHDRV56LJFEnglandDeep RedLignage2.2 HDiManual38Mot and in useNoxm man
--58---EnglandThorium GreyLignage2.2 HDiManual43Mot and in useNoFairlight
VK57 LSLUKFulminator GreyExclusive2.2 HDiManual39Mot and in useNoMikeH
ku58wfaenglandStorm GreyExclusive2.2 HDiManual37Mot and in useNo5andy0
ELW 58E9PolandThorium GreyExclusive2.2 HDiManual40Mot and in useNoEdward
GL56TAUEnglandSable GoldLignage2.2 HDiManual36Mot and in useNoDaifaylo
HUM 648LD57TGXNew ZealandMauritius BlueExclusive2.2 HDiManualMot and in useNobywateri
GJ59UZWEngland Thorium GreyExclusive2.2 HDiManual37Mot and in useYesWill225
GF59HCGEnglandMauritius BlueExclusive2.2 HDiManual42Mot and in useNoSLS
MNZ4339UKArctic SteelLignage2.2 HDiManual40Mot and in useNosotweedfactor
C6GCTgf57rzaUKStorm GreyExclusive2.2 HDiManual39Mot and in useYesStroudLorryandvan
YG58XEUEnglandIron GreyLignage2.2 HDiManualMot and in useYeskentKnotall
GJ59 YKRUnited KingdomIron GreyLignage2.2 HDiManualMot and in useNoPaulY
KU07 AUVUKBlackExclusive2.2 HDiManual45Mot and in useNoJas16
M82-J-8481TFV043Bosnia and HerzegoviThorium GreyLignage2.2 HDiManual8L/100kmMot and in useYesMostarLightMatic
VU07 VPXEnglandArctic SteelExclusive2.2 HDiManual35.8Mot and in useNoAndyw
GJ59UZWUKIron GreyExclusive2.2 HDiManualMot and in useNoGreenLizard
PA9666KBbulgariaIron GreyLignage2.2 HDiManualMot and in useYesstojan
SAL-705HungaryIron GreyExclusive2.2 HDiManualMot and in useNoerancx
NG57 RFNEnglandSable GoldExclusive2.2 HDiManualMot and in useNoLowdhamC6
POS69C5PolandIron GreyExclusive2.2 HDiManual43Mot and in useYesWarsawGrzegorzR
CJZ165SwedenStorm GreyLignage2.2 HDiManualMot and in useNohenriksson
KA-6546-ACMacedoniaArctic SteelExclusive2.2 HDiManual40Mot and in useNoPhoenix
GJ59VBEUKArctic SteelLignage2.2 HDiManualOn SornYesGuildfordsotweedfactor
GIPortugalBlackExclusive2.2 HDiManualMot and in useYesLisbonM.R.
WK 59 YTTEnglandAbyssal BlueExclusive3.0 HDiAutomatic36.2Sold or TradedNoC6Dave
DS12 CCCEnglandBlackExclusive3.0 HDiAutomatic34.5Mot and in useNoGobxoy
GJ59 0MXEnglandThorium GreyExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNobthelene
WDU 2XLV56 VAFEnglandBlackExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNo2cvc6
GF09JYJEnglandBlackExclusive2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNosmorphet
LS78550NorwayFulminator GreyExclusive3.0 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNoTjensen
GJ 57 YKEN/aEnglandIron GreyLignage2.7 HDiAutomatic32.3Sold or TradedNoC6Dave
C6 AAVGD07 JZMEnglandBlackLignage2.7 HDiAutomaticMot and in useNomagicands

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