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C6 Misbehaving Spoiler

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Mon Feb 14 2011, 11:04pm
Joined: Mar 08 2010
Member No: #65
Location: Northumberland
Does anybody else have a spoiler that just won't behave itself? In recent weeks it has started deploying for no apparent reason. It usually happens after it has deployed quite normally as a result of me exceeding the limit on the motorway.

After reducing speed it stows itself, again quite normally. Then, under conditions I have yet to nail down, it deploys again. It's currently sitting outside in an 'open' condition.

I know that when I set off for work in the morning, it will stow. I just can't figure out why it pops up in the first place. Maybe it's the poltergeist I picked up in Lancaster last year!

Mon Feb 14 2011, 11:38pm
Joined: Jul 22 2010
Member No: #190
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Hi, I had a similar problem last year as some on the site may remember, in the end it was fixed with a quick reprogramme by the dealer.
Hope that helps.
Tue Feb 15 2011, 06:50am

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verycleverman wrote ...
Maybe it's the poltergeist I picked up in Lancaster last year!

That could answer lots of things about Lancaster, having worked there on occassion
Sun Mar 04 2012, 09:58am
Joined: Nov 10 2010
Member No: #285
My spoiler has been playing up for over a month now, I have taken it to Walsall Citroen and as a last resort Birmingham Citroen. Its been reprogrammed and still doesn't want to play.

It will deploy at the correct speed but 9 times out of 10 it wont go back. If you do the maintenance trick i.e. pull down wiper with key in the ignition it raises a little and stays there when you drive off regardless of speed. if you do that about 5 times it will eventually return to the closed position so now i drive around at speed limit on motorways as I hate to see it deployed when parked on my drive.

I have tried disconnecting the battery, Citroen have done a fresh download but all to no avail..... any ideas?
Sun Mar 04 2012, 02:30pm
Joined: Sep 27 2011
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mine did the same thing for months in the end Citroen changed a fuse box and since then I've had no problems I know this might not help but it seems to have worked on mime
Sun Mar 04 2012, 06:39pm
Joined: Nov 09 2011
Member No: #710
Location: Watford
Silly question, but rather than an electrical or programming issue, is there any gunk or crud around the mechanism ? I'm just wondering if the car does try to lower the spoiler but does not have the power due to something blocking/obstructing/sticking it
Sun Mar 04 2012, 10:19pm
Joined: Nov 10 2010
Member No: #285
Hi both, changing the fuse box sounds expensive (car is out of warranty), I have looked to see if the damper is gunked up but it looks fine. its one of those minor niggles that really get under my skin
Mon Mar 05 2012, 07:28am

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Location: Northumberland
If it is the fusebox ECU Doctor may be able to help to repair it rather than replace it: - Click Here -
Mon Mar 05 2012, 09:05am

Joined: Apr 12 2010
Member No: #86
Location: Penwortham
MIne has been doing this for months, Having run the lexia over it when it happened, it said "No Fault" so I gave up, what I have found though, is that once you get the speed up the 80mph, and then let the car slow on its own the spoiler will behave normally.
Mon Mar 05 2012, 09:38am

Joined: Oct 01 2009
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Location: Northumberland
So speed sensor related perhaps Steve?
Mon Mar 05 2012, 09:42am
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When I got my C6 and first deployed the spoiler in static maintenance mode, I noticed quite a bit of rust buildup on the "linear ramps" extending from the motors that actually control the spoiler deployment. As per a previous post, if the motor torque is too high the ECU may decide not to retract, similar to the protection circuits for power windows (anti-pinch). So a little wipe with grease, at the same time as the bonnet lock and doors are lubricated probably would not be a bad thing. I can't see that this maintenance is part of the Citroen scheduled service, so with cars in the range 4 to 6 years old this may becoming a niggle.

Mon Mar 05 2012, 12:24pm

Joined: Apr 12 2010
Member No: #86
Location: Penwortham

I don't think so, certainly with mine, as it will deploy when braking as well (acting like an air brake) even at 20mph. Other day it will behave perfectly normal.

I wondered at first if it was a loose connection but couldn't see anything when I stripped it down.


I'll give that a bash, anything is worth a try.
Mon Mar 05 2012, 10:59pm
Joined: Mar 08 2010
Member No: #65
Location: Northumberland
I think of it more like a wart; you can try all sorts of treatments, but they won't work. Once you put the problem out of your mind it will go away of it's own accord!

Mon Jun 11 2012, 11:32am
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Friday: Partial lift at 40mph, then drop-back slightly at 15mph, then immediately fully-up, then at 40mph, drop to partial open, then below 15mph, close. Then, sequence restarted.

Lubrication - no different.

Disconnected battery for 30min - no different.

Driving on Sunday, parked the car and spoiler was up as I was in the middle of the crazy sequence above, then drove off and the spoiler dropped at 6mph and has operated normally since.

I'd like to say the cure for random spoiler operation is...

But, I can't.
Sun Dec 02 2012, 03:37pm
Joined: May 23 2011
Member No: #487
Location: Suffolk
I think i have just become the latest member of the Annoying Random Spoiler Effect club.... Not a club i have been looking forward to joining.

Mine has been playing up the last couple of days and now its on the driveway in UP. It does look rather un-lubed in there so i have brushed on some copper-slip and a smidgeon of GT80 (or is it 60 or 70? - can't remember)

Lets hope after tomorrows drive it will be well lubed.
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