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Torn bonnet pull Citroen C6

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Wed May 01 2024, 08:05pm
Joined: Dec 03 2018
Member No: #3753
Location: Bayern
On the Citroen C6 2.7 HDI model year 2007, the bonnet can no longer be opened because the cable has broken somewhere and the lever in the interior is not working.
Is there an easy way to get to the broken cable and open the bonnet?
Where does this cable travel the most?
How is the cable replaced and what has to be removed?
Greetings Wolfgang
Thu May 02 2024, 07:33am

Joined: Oct 01 2009
Member No: #1
Location: Northumberland
There is a thread on changing the cable at - Click Here - and another here - Click Here -

I thought there was a post on opening the bonnet with a broken cable but can't find it....

Have you tried with someone pushing down on the bonnet and then pulling the handle?

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