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Head gasket saga begun .!!

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Wed Jan 29 2020, 07:53pm

Joined: Jul 23 2019
Member No: #3993
Location: St Marys Bay, Kent.
Hi All, This started as a possible rear head gasket and looks like a front one. I'm hoping anyway. Decided to replace BOTH head gaskets and thought rather than remove the engine from the car jacked it up and started the old fashioned way.

Front off etc, etc, and have removed the front one. Now checking the pistons found that gearbox piston and bore are like new, in other words steam cleaned so that the piston numbers and lettering are completely visible. The two others are as you would expect from standard use.

The gasket appears to have let by between the two metal edges and traced round into the rear front cylinder. But as the car wasn't loosing that much water daily but pressurising quite considerably I'm hoping that the other bank, the rear one's, would not be giving me problem.

I'm actually asking if you guys think that my problem could be with just this one front bank cylinder. Not really looking forward to doing the rear as well, the front was bad enough. Should I take a chance and put it all back together and just do the front
Sat Feb 01 2020, 09:01pm

Joined: Jul 23 2019
Member No: #3993
Location: St Marys Bay, Kent.
My cylinder head is a 4R8Q 6C064 AH can anyone identify the difference between an AH and an AG fitted to the Land Rover/Jaguar engines.
David Hallworth   
Sat Feb 01 2020, 09:42pm

Joined: Apr 16 2010
Member No: #90
Location: Glasgow
The JLR engines were only a single turbo unit producing 185bhp versus the 208bhp of the C6 so it could be related to that.

I know someone who tried to fit a JLR engine to a C6 and the bolt holes for the gearbox were in totally different positions so it makes you wonder what else could be different.

Sat Feb 01 2020, 11:32pm

Joined: Jul 23 2019
Member No: #3993
Location: St Marys Bay, Kent.
My problem is that my left head is 4.5 thou out middle to side and the amount to skim would mean all valve seats will need re-seating as well. Not Cheap. And after looking on the web "E-Bay" for a replacement C6 type head, it turns out that some Jaguar have the same part number 4R8Q 6C064 AH. And some are AG others AG B12. Visually not a jot of difference. All are flat and in good order and I'm tempted to purchase but I need to be sure there's no massive difference. Any tech advise would be very handy.
David Hallworth   
Sun Feb 02 2020, 08:10pm

Joined: Apr 16 2010
Member No: #90
Location: Glasgow
Might be worth a call to BL Auto's. They've broken a few C6s and might have a set of heads from a C6.
Sun Feb 02 2020, 11:25pm

Joined: Jul 23 2019
Member No: #3993
Location: St Marys Bay, Kent.
Thanks David, will give them a ring in the morning.
Wed Mar 11 2020, 09:24pm

Joined: Jul 23 2019
Member No: #3993
Location: St Marys Bay, Kent.
Ok so to continue with all that's been done in between the rain and wind down here. After replacing BOTH cylinder heads and getting all the right bolts eventually in the correct positions.

The engine is finished, all the fluids apart from the air con have been bleed or levelled off, and it was time for it to be turned over. Key in, start position and no fire up, just turned over without the expected purr.

Check out the fault codes, and there they are, yes the standard p1351, but also p1164, p0118, p0113, p0108, and horror P0016. I hadn't put the plug in. Radiators out again pipework removed EGR off and slide in the cam sensor plug. Shove it all back and try again, eureka, starts and sounds beautiful.

Run her for a short while switch off and decide to erase all the codes. Do a re-scan and up comes the code P0490. EGR fault, Start her up again and there's a trace of smoke out the back, and a hint of black sludge dripping from n/s bottom of cooler rad piping.

Any short cuts or is it 2 new EGR's.
Thu Mar 12 2020, 08:58am

Joined: Oct 01 2009
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Location: Northumberland
P0490 is the rear EGR valve and could be down to the electrical connection. I would try and check that 1st given the other issues you had.

Thu Mar 12 2020, 06:06pm

Joined: Jul 23 2019
Member No: #3993
Location: St Marys Bay, Kent.
Thanks Dave, Looks like I'll be sticking a large foam pad across the engine bay and removing the rear fuel common rail and injector loops.

I have a new set of vacuum pipes coming so won't be worrying about those fragile things It's then undoing the EGR unit by feel and inspecting the complete thing on the bench, Not going to take the bumper off again or remove the cat to get access.

Just wish I'd taken them apart and cleaned both when I had them off before. If the worst comes to the worst I'll have the other one out and give that a going over too. Then get a new pair of EGR valves from flea bay.
Sun Mar 29 2020, 11:26am

Joined: Jul 23 2019
Member No: #3993
Location: St Marys Bay, Kent.
Hi All, It continues but this is somewhat confusing me. The engine sounds fine on startup with just a hint of white smoke from the exhaust but after say a minute or two, it starts to be more than condensation coming out. A full plume of white smoke starts and stays even on bringing the engine rev's up. She's still on her jacks and I've started cleaning the injectors to make sure they mist correctly. Anyone have ideas about what might be causing this other than the injectors. There was no smoke like this before I changed the cylinder heads after the blown gaskets. All the work on the engine was performed with great care and went back perfectly just this sudden smoking. I'm confused because everything is as it should be.
Fri Apr 03 2020, 04:39pm

Joined: Jul 23 2019
Member No: #3993
Location: St Marys Bay, Kent.
Just a quick update, that's if it's of interest to anyone, the fault regarding the smoking was a faulty injector valve actuation solenoid. Five of them recorded 198/205 oms the other recorded 604 sliding back to 465 after 10 minutes. A good one from a Jaguar was ordered and should be with me early next week. New copper washers for all injectors are being fitted of course and fingers crossed that should be it, DONE. I'll let you all know if this is it for now. Told you it was a SAGA. ps, I've probably got the cleanest inside and outside fuel injectors with the best atomising jets in the country (apart from brand new and refurbished) on this site. .
Fri Apr 03 2020, 05:24pm

Joined: May 21 2017
Member No: #3151
Location: South Queensferry
still here keeping an eye on your progress

I'm impressed with your perseverance in getting your engine sorted..
Hope the injector is the last big thing on the fault list...
Best of luck...
Sat Apr 11 2020, 02:25pm

Joined: Jul 23 2019
Member No: #3993
Location: St Marys Bay, Kent.
Does anyone remember the film with Tom Cruise " Never Ending Story", yea, well this is nothing like it. Ok, I have now received the replacement Injector all good with it. Started the beast and for the first 15 mins all sounded fine, no smoke nothing untoward. Went around the block on a test run got to the end of my drive, about 60 yards and a miss fire started. Got into the Lane and noticed a puff of white smoke AGAIN. Came back smoking and chuggingly, stuck on my OBD11, no faults apart from p1351, normal. Into the mil section *Misfire scan through all N/a except, fuel not rdy, Egr not rdy, CCM not rdy. Stood there like Stan Laurel, totally confused. Anyone know what I can try next.
Sat Apr 11 2020, 05:27pm

Joined: May 21 2017
Member No: #3151
Location: South Queensferry
[%*^#@!] hell, must be some pad you have with a 60 yard drive

You need to invest in or borrow a Lexia or Diagbox, a generic OBD2 reader won't cut it (too much going on).

It sounds like another injector has let go and I think you'll end up changing all of them if they were overheated when the HG let go...
I wouldn't worry about the EGR error for now as that's never going to cause the smoking or a misfire. Lets hope it's not a fuel pump! What does CCM stand for?

Sun Apr 12 2020, 12:31pm

Joined: Jul 23 2019
Member No: #3993
Location: St Marys Bay, Kent.
Ok, the misfire is now resolved, I'd not tightened up enough the front bank intercooler pipe from the metal Y section. Blew off with the first heavy acceleration. Still smoking somewhat once warm but also from the rear turbo/exhaust area coming up into the engine bay.

I'm going to jack her up again and see if all is as it should be back there. I'm hoping that the engine bay smoke is just a misfit of some sort. Could the rear turbo/exhaust/forced air leaking cause this smoking at the exhaust tip? or should I get the injectors off again and tested anyway.
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