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Name or part number of the heat exchanger under the 2.7 thermostat housing ???

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Mon Feb 18 2019, 06:01pm
Joined: Sep 20 2016
Member No: #2793
Location: West Mids
Does anyone have the name of the part, or the part number of the small heat exchanger that sits under the thermostat housing on the 2.7, please ?
I have spent a considerable time looking through the parts list and simply cannot find a number or name for it ?

Going to have a look at it as I have sprung a small leak in the vicinity (not the housing, which I replaced a couple of years ago). For reference, the plastic hose end that joins the thermostat housing closest to the oil filter crumbled like soggy cardboard when I removed the hose from it. Absolute junk. Comes as an assembly with the hose, pt. no 1351LL.

Mon Feb 18 2019, 06:53pm

Joined: May 21 2017
Member No: #3151
Location: South Queensferry
Mike, In the 3.0ltr forum?

Don't know the correct name but... it's a diesel cooler in the injector return lines (if cooling to water temp of 88 Deg is the right phrase). It's part of the oil filter base assembly but I have no idea if it breaks down to smaller components in stealer land.

The only reference i can find in the tech section is is the engine dismantle process.
Good luck finding the leak and keep us posted.

Mon Feb 18 2019, 10:12pm
Joined: Sep 20 2016
Member No: #2793
Location: West Mids
Many thanks.

I've always thought the instructions in Chinese made products are pretty laughable in terms of translation, but PSA leave them for dead with this. I've now found it thanks to your help and what any vaguely normal person would describe as an oil filter housing or assembly, plus the fuel heat exchanger is in fact described as --- 'Engine Oil - Water Distribution Chamber' !!!!!

It doesn't show the heat exchanger as a separate piece. Part number for the lot 1103 N4. Ebay seems awash with used ones from Discos if I do have a problem.

Tue Feb 19 2019, 08:24am

Joined: Jul 17 2012
Member No: #954
Location: Bergen
On the 3.0 Hdi there is an oil/water heat exchanger in the oil filter unit, part 1103 S9, changed last year together with an oil separator , part no 1180 S7. The 1103 S9 can be bought from other than Citroen sources for a fraction of the price. I think , however, that this is different from the 2,7
Tue Feb 19 2019, 09:36am
Joined: Sep 20 2016
Member No: #2793
Location: West Mids
Starngely enough, we have just acquired our first 3.0; my son has bought a C5 3.0 estate. Already noticed a number of differences from the 2.7, not least that the oil filter has got smaller.

I also see that the nice, stainless turbo pipe that runs over the top of the 2.7 has turned to a piece of miserable plastic pipe on the 3.0. Wonder which will last longer ?


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