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Navidrive update & HUD

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Tue Nov 07 2017, 06:48pm
No Longer Active
I have recently updated the maps and firmware to version 8.31 and since then the HUD no longer shows the navigation directions in the windscreen. I can't see any menu options to fix this...any ideas?
Tue Nov 07 2017, 07:05pm

Joined: Oct 01 2009
Member No: #1
Location: Northumberland
Dashboard, lower right side near the door is where the HUD controls are.
Tue Nov 07 2017, 08:45pm
No Longer Active
Those controls now only allow you to select the navigation display option, the entire negation array lights briefly to confirm the command, but it does't seem to be getting a feed from the head unit any more. Only since the update to 8.31. Have they sold me the wrong firmware?
Tue Nov 07 2017, 11:56pm

Joined: Jul 17 2012
Member No: #954
Location: Bergen
The latest update 8.31 enclosed in the box of new 2016 maps introduced a picture of a C5 in the suspension menu and the built-in telephone stopped working. Maybe some of the newest version has some C6 problems ? Also the opening screen with engine temperatures and TPMS, the climate screen and the front sensors stops working. Need to be re-enabled with Lexia even if new installation/update with the right disc (the Citroen update disc) is done.
Wed Nov 08 2017, 08:41am

Joined: Oct 01 2009
Member No: #1
Location: Northumberland
james_r_wilson wrote ...

Only since the update to 8.31. Have they sold me the wrong firmware?

Daft question, but you did try and move the display up and down?

It is possible to adjust it to high so it disappears off the windscreen when sat in the drivers seat and you can also increase/decrease the brightness.

I bought a genuine firmware disc from Citroen and have no HUD issue after installing it BTW. I don't use anything that comes with the maps, especially 'copies' from fleabay.
Wed Nov 08 2017, 06:15pm
No Longer Active
Thanks, I'll get another disc from a more reputable source(!) It's strange that it seems fine in every other respect, perhaps there are different issues for different models?
Thu Feb 27 2020, 06:15am
No Longer Active

i am having the same problem, have you solve dis problem?

Fri Feb 28 2020, 12:07pm

Joined: Jul 17 2012
Member No: #954
Location: Bergen
Not this problem, but a series of other problems after installing 8.31 from the latest colletion of map discs. Many C6 special features disappears and must be revoked with Lexia. This does not happen if I use "original Citroen" 8.31 disc. Recommended.

But: Todays problem is that the whole system is stuck in "20%" reinstallation/HDD disc check. It is so stuck that the screen is still there after I switch off engine and reappears in the same stubborn way after diconnecting/reconnecting battery and applying the BSI restart procedure.
What to do ?
Sun Mar 08 2020, 11:07am
Joined: Dec 09 2014
Member No: #1968
Location: Bath
Hi. I recently updated software with a cheapish 8.31 disk and lost various functions including, oddly, ability to adjust temperature, and a picture of. C5 when I change suspension height. I bought the £129 disk direct from Citroen, in the hope this would sort them out, but all the same issue. I don’t have access to a Lexia, so any ideas? It’s a 2010 2.2 automatic Exclusive. Thanks.
Sun Mar 08 2020, 12:47pm

Joined: Oct 01 2009
Member No: #1
Location: Northumberland
JohnB wrote ...

I bought the £129 disk direct from Citroen, in the hope this would sort them out, but all the same issue. I don’t have access to a Lexia, so any ideas? It’s a 2010 2.2 automatic Exclusive. Thanks.

The Disc part number: 96 792 425 80 was only around £5.00 from Citroen last time I bought one so why were you charged £129?
Sun Mar 08 2020, 03:12pm
Joined: Dec 09 2014
Member No: #1968
Location: Bath
It was the full map update.
Sun Mar 08 2020, 06:32pm

Joined: Oct 01 2009
Member No: #1
Location: Northumberland
JohnB wrote ...

It was the full map update.

Ah, explains things.
Sun Mar 08 2020, 07:18pm

Joined: Jan 24 2020
Member No: #4234
Location: Home
So a copy is dangerous but an original disk is fine? My C6 is also 7.xx now and i have acces to a genuine Citroen 8.31 disk at the garage who did my engine swap, so i can upgrade safely or...? I was planning to do it tomorrow so what is the verdict?

Also i think there is a way to change the picture, see below and YT link, but could be an external box..

- Click Here -

Also when someone updates to the use of an original C6 screen for use with a miracast box and sets the speedlimit form 5 kp/h to 225 kp/h with mirascript, there is an option to make a backup, maybe it is possilble to extract this copy/backup and restore it on the corrupted navidrive?

@C6Dave, your C6 picture is still there at the hight settings or do you also have a C5 picture now?


This script lets you modify the “User_com.dat” file directly on RTx device. When starting it asks you to do
a backup copy of current User_com.dat file, or, if a backup is already present, to restore it.
Backup copy is written on the internal hard disk, each time you execute a backup, the previous will be
overwritten. I suggest you to do a backup only the first time you use RTxSET, so you have the original
configuration for safely came back.
RTxSET recognizes and modifies configuration file for sw:7.02 sw:7.10 sw:7.11 sw:8.00 sw:8.10 sw:8.11
sw:8.20. The editable values are divided in sections, and have the same name used by PC program
Here is the list:

"View/modify GENERAL section?"
"Video speed" 5 or 225. It’s the Km/h upper speed limit for video-in disabling.


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