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What towbar to fit to a C6?

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Fri Aug 27 2010, 08:22am

Joined: Oct 01 2009
Member No: #1
Location: Northumberland
OK I know you can get one from Citroen and it really needs the dedicated wiring kit to tell the BSI you have a trailer/caravan hooked up to the CAN BUS - Click Here - but the actual tow bar is a lump of metal and has no technical input.

So what alternatives are there to the tow bar (not the wiring kit) Citroen sell (at a gold plated price)

Anyone had one fitted that can provide some feedback please?
Fri Aug 27 2010, 11:13am

Joined: Dec 11 2009
Member No: #21
Location: Scotland
Dave, I spend ages looking into this and contacted all the manufacturers, even the French and German head offices, plus all the usual UK fitters.

No one in the UK is making any type approved towbars (ie legal ones).

The consolidation in the manugfacturing industry has resulted in the after-market available towbars being withdrawn from the UK market.

Citroen dealers have good access to Bosal removeable bars.

I can provide a little more data if you PM me.


Fri Aug 27 2010, 12:49pm

Joined: Oct 01 2009
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Location: Northumberland
I did find a 'Bosal' one on eBay for £308.79 which is less than Citroen retail of £367.34

I'm still not sure I'm really going to use one and by the time you add a wiring kit in and enabling via Lexia, it's a lot of money!
Mon Oct 04 2010, 12:51pm
Joined: Jul 29 2010
Member No: #193
Location: MOTALA
I have just installd a towbar and finaly it was an original Citroen.

First i tryed to find an cheaper pirat one and ther exist about 4 diferent makes (try search for atalage citroen C6) but non of them have an reseller in sweden.

So i tryed to order one from France but most reseller in france dont ship to sweden, finaly i find one that i thougt will deliver to Sweden

they have an dropdown meny for contry an you can chose Sweden so i orderd it and even payed it but id dident turn up so i contakted them by phone and guess wath "they dont sell outside France. (i got my moeny back)

So i have to order an original towbar (exactly the same as Bosal)

It was easy to mount and fitts in nicely an you can hardly even see the mounting with the hook detached

The hook even fitts in the spare wheel when not used.

The C6 it an very good towcar

here are som pictures so you can see

Mon Oct 04 2010, 12:55pm

Joined: Oct 01 2009
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Location: Northumberland
I wondered what that empty space in the spare wheel tray was for, now I know

Thanks for the info.
Mon Oct 04 2010, 07:20pm

Joined: Dec 11 2009
Member No: #21
Location: Scotland
Hi atmbn, yes my "Bosal Removeable" is the same. My only problem with the installation is the electric swing down socket. In the down position it is so far from the swivel point of the ball that most electrics won't reach. You may also have a problem with an extension cable dragging on the ground. IMHO the swing should have been towards the ball hitch not away from it.

Tue Oct 05 2010, 05:06am
Joined: Jul 29 2010
Member No: #193
Location: MOTALA
Or you cud say that some trailer has the electrical hokup point to far from the swivel point of the ball.
Just strap the electrical lead somware neare the ball and you have no problem, sometimes you can just lead the cabel around the ballneck and the problem is solved.

regards Mats
Wed Dec 12 2012, 02:57pm
No Longer Active
Can someone tell me from what Peugeot and what C5 can I fit trailer hitch???
Wed Dec 12 2012, 04:51pm

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Location: Northumberland
You have to have a specific C6 towbar as far as I am aware and they are hard to find anywhere except a Main Dealer
Thu May 02 2013, 06:06pm
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TowEquipe are listing a Bosal demountable tow-ball:
Thu May 02 2013, 06:57pm

Joined: Oct 01 2009
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Location: Northumberland
That's a good price as it includes the wiring kit?
Fri May 03 2013, 09:00am
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Is there any issue with the parking sensors complaining, or does it demount enough that it's completely hidden from their 'view'?
Fri May 03 2013, 03:29pm
Joined: Oct 08 2009
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When the tow bar is de mounted it isn't really visible at all unless you look under the bumper - so no problem with the sensors. I think the rear sensors are deactivated when the 13 pin trailer plug is plugged in. That is a good price. When my C6 was new I had the dealer fit a towbar and electrics which I think cost over £700 and I never used it before writing the car off in a crash (other than mounting the towbar to practice fitting it and plugging my trailer into the socket to make sure it worked)!
Fri May 03 2013, 06:21pm
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Except clicking "add to cart" results in:


I may give them a call tomorrow.
Tue May 07 2013, 11:58am
Joined: Apr 12 2013
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Location: St Neots
Spoke to Towequipe, the item is discontinued and they have none in stock.

I'm wondering if anyone has one that could be used as a template to make a copy. Have welder, will fabricate
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