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4g and the built in car phone

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Thu Jul 28 2016, 08:06pm

Joined: Feb 06 2011
Member No: #364
Location: Huddersfield and Torremolinos Spain
Has anyone tried to swap out their 3G sim for a 4G one? I received my 4G sim from The People's Operator and activated it and put it in the car phone but received the message "bad sim or not inserted correctly" so I tried it in one of my phones and it worked fine, asking the phone to manually detect the network it came up with Vodaphone, EE and O2 but not 3 which is the new network provider, so I put it back in the car phone and got the "bad sim" message again so I tried my Giffgaff sim in the car phone which worked fine so I assume the the car phone doesn't support 4G. If anyone has any ideas.

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