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Instrument cluster - burnt smell and dead digital display

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Fri Jan 10 2014, 09:26pm
Joined: Jul 06 2012
Member No: #936
Location: Copenhagen
While driving my C6 2.7 HDi, there was suddenly a strong burnt smell and a few seconds later the instrument cluster went black. Control lamps in the cluster are still working, but everything digital in the cluster has gone black.
Everything else in the car still functions, including the head-up display. The fuse covering the cluster (and several other things) is intact.
Judging from the smell, it appears that an electrical component in the instrument cluster has burned out, but I have not yet had a chance to remove the cluster for inspection.
Has anyone experienced this problem and done a successful repair? Or is a new instrument cluster the only way forward?
Thanks for your help and best regards,
Fri Jan 10 2014, 11:19pm
No Longer Active
Replace it, I doubt repair is possible if indeed it burnt out

Sat Jan 11 2014, 07:45am
Joined: Jul 06 2012
Member No: #936
Location: Copenhagen
smihaialex wrote ...

Replace it, I doubt repair is possible if indeed it burnt out


Sure - that will be the easy solution. 6105N6 or 6105N7 spare part price at a local friendly Citroën dealer in Denmark = 7104 DKK = 789 GBP....
Sat Jan 11 2014, 08:04am

Joined: Oct 01 2009
Member No: #1
Location: Northumberland
Have a look for one from a breakers yard, there were a few cars around being stripped.

Only downside is that if the cluster has a higher mileage than your car, it will default to that value.

If it's lower than your car, it will pick up the mileage from the BSi and use that.

You might be able to get it repaired - Click Here -
Wed Jan 29 2014, 06:16pm
Joined: Jul 06 2012
Member No: #936
Location: Copenhagen

After some searching on other Citroën forums, it appears that what I encountered is not an uncommon C6 defect: Burnt smell followed by black out of the instrument cluster.

In my search, I came across Garage Johan Oldenhage in The Netherlands. Johan has repaired several C6 instrument clusters, all suffering from this defect.

The instrument cluster is very easy to remove from the car. I mailed it to Johan who repaired it within a day and mailed it back to me. I am pleased to report that everything now works fine again.

Super efficient service and absolutely recommended: - Click Here -

Thu Jan 30 2014, 10:18am

Joined: Dec 11 2009
Member No: #21
Location: Scotland
Great Post gbl!. Once again the forum comes up trumps.

Wed Jul 23 2014, 09:40am
No Longer Active
Happened to me too Not the burnt smell, but the instrument cluster going 100% black

How do I take it off the car to mail it to Johan or to BBA Reman?

Thank you.

My best,
Wed Jul 23 2014, 05:41pm
Joined: Jul 06 2012
Member No: #936
Location: Copenhagen
You start by unclipping the fake wood trim above the cluster. Pry it out gently with a screwdriver. The clip by the door side is hook shaped, so start the trim removal from the other end by the navigation screen.

From there it is pretty obvious with just a few small TORX screws to be removed. The matte black surround is a separate part which must be wiggled out of some hidden clips.

The electrical connection is just one multi-plug, held by a metal clamp that folds back.

The car will work fine with the cluster removed. You can read the speed in the head-up display. There will be some occasional error messages while the cluster is missing, but when the cluster is refitted, these error messages will go away after a few starts.

Good luck.
Thu Jul 24 2014, 11:04am
No Longer Active
about a week a go, after starting, our display stayed black - just everything behind the steering wheel (ie: HUD & central displays all fine) ... only time it has ever happened and, next time we started, it was fine, and has been so ever since ...
Fri Jul 25 2014, 10:18am
No Longer Active
@gbl, thank you very much, I will take it off first thing tomorrow morning and mail it to BBA Reman or the Netherlands to get it repaired

Thank you.

Sat Nov 29 2014, 02:02pm
Joined: Aug 09 2012
Member No: #984
Location: Armadale, West Lothian
Hi, My problem is different in that it is the Multi Function Display flickering. I suspect a bad connection but after taking it to my local Arnold Clark, they quoted £1000 to replace it I'm just not sure its cooked. Anyone know how to remove and replace the MFD, I know where I can get a spare?
Sat Nov 29 2014, 05:07pm

Joined: Oct 01 2009
Member No: #1
Location: Northumberland
Removal is covered in a post in this very thread by GBL and in the Tech Docs section, as is the option to have it repaired with links.

However, before replacing it remember that if the mileage shown on the replacement is Higher than that stored in the cars BSI then the car will default to the higher mileage.

You need a replacement that has a lower mileage than the one in your car now so that the car updates it to the stored mileage.
Sun Nov 30 2014, 01:20am

Joined: Sep 04 2014
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Location: Teynham, Kent ME9 9HH
You can have the unit repaired by a company near to our location BBA Reman, they do repairs for us on many RV instrument clusters and offer a lifetime warranty (never sure if that is mine or theirs, but never needed to test it) Their email address is - e mail - Their prices are good as well. Kind regards, Simon
Sat Nov 16 2019, 06:15am
Joined: Nov 02 2019
Member No: #4128
Location: Ostrava
Hello guys, I repase ours Instrument,. three electronics units. And work again. If someone know info send me message

Wed Jan 29 2020, 09:50pm
Joined: Jun 20 2010
Member No: #164
Location: Wellington
Yes, a very helpful post. I have just had my instrument cluster repaired after sourcing replacement transistors from these chaps in France; ECU AUTO, 85 euros all up.

They provided complete instructions showing which transistors needed to be replaced etc.

Thanks to a local electrical technician, instrument cluster is all up and running again. Very happy.
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