Forum Rules
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3) If you are under the age of 13, you may not view these forms.
Forum Posting Terms and Conditions
Wherever possible: please try keep all posts on-topic. (We understand that at times a 'none topic' response might be appropriate!
All posts must be in English with proper grammar and spelling NO mobile text slang please, or your post will be moderated or possibly deleted. We have a lot of members whose first langfuage is not English and the languahe translation services have major problems translating the shorthand used (as do a lot of our older members)
Do not discuss illegal activities. Our server is hosted in Canada and so is subject to Canadian law. Please do not expose us to any unnecessary legal liability.
Check that your request/enquiry has not already been posted anywhere else on the site. Use the search feature. that's what it's there for!
Post your comment/question to the most appropriate place. Any posts deemed to be in the wrong forum will be moved. Do not cross-post the same question to multiple places.
Make sure you have read the parent article/post completely and understood it before posting a reply.
Use your own words. If you wish to use the words of somebody else, quote them, citing the source. Plagiarism is unethical and is illegal in many countries.
Choose an appropriate subject line. Try to summarise the problem briefly in the subject, and elaborate in the message itself. Repeat the subject in the body if it will make things clearer. Do not use all caps and do not add false information just to get attention (e.g. read this or you will be arrested). An example of a bad subject would be 'HELP ME'. A good subject might be, 'C4 Overheat error message?'.
Include as much information as you can when seeking help. Nobody will be able to help you if you don't give sufficient detail.
Please: In the Technical Help forums, No useless posts i.e. one liners/thread bumping etc. etc. There is a more relaxed forum for that called 'The Lounge'
Thank those who help you. Acknowledgement of a helpful suggestion not only placates those who helped you, it may also help others with a similar problem.
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