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Directional Headlights configuration via DiagBox

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Author Post
Sun Mar 24 2024, 10:10am
Joined: Aug 14 2014
Member No: #1821
Location: Vilnius
I have recently had a small incident where I had to replace the whole left headlight.
I got one from a donor of exactly the same specs (2.7 Exclusive), and the headlight model no was identical as well.
The lighting itself worked fine, but the headlight indicator would flash, and the directional headlights would not work.
I checked it out with my Diagbox and it showed a fault that it lacked configuration (P1613 code). Fortunately, in the headlights ("PROJECTEURS") section of Lexia, there was an option to configure it manually.
I had to set 3 options:
1. Manual/Automatic transmission: i chose automatic
2. Adaptive damping present or not present: i chose present
3. To the left / On the right: i chose on the right
Saved these options and no more fault, and now it obviously swivels. However, I didn't have the time to test it out in dark windy roads yet.

However, now I started having doubts about the option I selected for the 3rd option - the phrasing is just so obscure. Maybe I should have selected "to the left"?
I am driving on the right side of the road and my steering wheel is on the left side of the vehicle.

Could someone with a Lexia look up what their directional headlights PROJECTEURS configuration is and let me (and the future generations) know?

Thanks a lot!

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