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New Owner - first issues!!!

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Tue Apr 23 2019, 09:12pm
Joined: Apr 18 2019
Member No: #3896
Location: Greenock
Hi all, forgive me if this post isn't in the correct location.

Picked up car on Saturday, 2007 2.7 HDi Exclusive, took her for a run and the 'Service' button came on very briefly. Then this morning, yellow engine warning light came on and stayed on - also got the 'De-pollution fault' message displaying. After reading manual and searching the site, think DPF requires regen. I've found and read the tutorial but what specific diagnostic tool do I require.

Secondly, I've noticed what I'd describe as a scraping noise when taking off from rest (grinding is probably too strong a word), at first I thought I'd 'kerbed' a wheel but hadn't. It's heard briefly and isn't constant, I thought it came from the front of the car but friend reckoned rear so not much help there!

Any comments/advice most welcome.


Wed Apr 24 2019, 10:25am

Joined: Jan 24 2010
Member No: #38
Location: Celbridge
Hello Ronnie,

First line of attack for the de-pollution fault is to take the car on a constant speed run, minimum 50mph, for 30 minutes and let the DPF get hot. See what happens.

On the scraping noise you'll probably have to do more investigation to pinpoint it?

Best regards,

Phil C.
Thu Apr 25 2019, 07:28am
Joined: Sep 20 2016
Member No: #2793
Location: West Mids
Hi Ronnie.

The scraping noise ---- pop each wheel off and check that the brake disc rear shield hasn't taken a knock and is lightly contacting the edge of the disc.

I've had this on mine and that was the issue. I think if you awkwardly offer up a wheel when refitting, it must be possible to knock the shield. If that is the issue, just gently bend it back out of contact.

As you will have the wheels off, check also for possible brake pad / disc issues. It could be a ridge or rust on a disc starting to contact a new area of pad. If it is the pads I would expect the noise to alter on application of the brakes.

If it hasn't been lost, you should find a long fitting stud in the jack kit to help guide the wheels onto the hub.

Good luck with it -- they are a lovely car when they're right.

Thu Apr 25 2019, 11:49am
Joined: Apr 18 2019
Member No: #3896
Location: Greenock
Thank you for your replies. A friend who is good with cars has tried the process of a constant speed for a good number of miles to generate the required heat but without success. Appears that I'll have to arrange for the car to be read diagnostically.

I've also experienced the problem with a scraping brake disc shield on another car but would have thought that this would be constant rather than just when taking off.

Really annoying issues, I've waited years to buy a C6 and expected niggles but only collected car a few days ago after it being perfect on the test drive.

Thanks again guys!


Thu Apr 25 2019, 03:25pm

Joined: Jan 24 2010
Member No: #38
Location: Celbridge
Hello Ronnie,

While waiting for a diagnostic session for the depollution system, you could check that no plugs are disturbed on the air intake pipes in the engine compartment, particularly if the car got an air filter before you bought it.

And don't worry it will be sorted and you'll get to enjoy it.

Best regards,

Phil C.
Thu Apr 25 2019, 03:58pm
Joined: Oct 23 2016
Member No: #2836
Location: lichtenburg
Congratulations on your C6. Even though there is some niggles..

How about picures of your "new" c6?
Fri Apr 26 2019, 07:36am

Joined: Apr 12 2010
Member No: #86
Location: Penwortham
I’ve copied David into the thread, he’s about 20 miles from you Ronnie. Should be able to help
Fri Apr 26 2019, 11:39am
Joined: Nov 26 2010
Member No: #299
Location: Wiltshire
You need to get the car hooked up to Lexia or Diagbox to see what the 'Depollution Fault' is - I've never seen this message (only 'Risk of clogging of FAP unit' or something like that, and 'FAP fluid low').

In my experience neither of these clear on their own, they need to be reset (in the case of the 'risk of clogging' one it has not yet reappeared (30,000 miles later).

The FAP unit/system (again, in my experience) is reliable and needs much less attention than the servicing schedule suggests, on 2.2 anyway. I refilled the fluid around 160,000 miles and the entire exhaust and FAP unit is otherwise original at 220,000.

Do be aware that the system will not go into regen if there are less than 20 litres of fuel in the tank, best to fill up before you go on the motorway rather than just before you get home.

Scraping noise could be lots of things - I'd be checking brake calipers and slides.

Good luck, enjoy the car, they are great machines.
Thu May 02 2019, 10:43am
Joined: Apr 18 2019
Member No: #3896
Location: Greenock
Hi again, car has been at local garage and strangely they say, despite DPF warnings, it's actually the glowplug relay and the EGR at the rear of the engine. Garage also states that they've spoken with a Citroen contact who advises that the rear EGR is an 'engine out' job!!!!

Noise I'm hearing when taking off is a worn bush at the bottom of the suspension on the NSF. Funnily enough, the OSF was done before I picked the car up. The owner chose to replace the whole unit but is it possible to just replace the bush?

If anyone recognises this issue can the exact part description be provided so I can look at buying a new one.

Thanks as ever for all comments.


Thu May 02 2019, 11:17am
Joined: Dec 14 2014
Member No: #1975
Location: Auckland
officer19 wrote ...

Hi again, car has been at local garage and strangely they say, despite DPF warnings, it's actually the glowplug relay and the EGR at the rear of the engine. Garage also states that they've spoken with a Citroen contact who advises that the rear EGR is an 'engine out' job!!!!

Noise I'm hearing when taking off is a worn bush at the bottom of the suspension on the NSF. Funnily enough, the OSF was done before I picked the car up. The owner chose to replace the whole unit but is it possible to just replace the bush?

If anyone recognises this issue can the exact part description be provided so I can look at buying a new one.

Thanks as ever for all comments.



Ok EGR on mine were done by the previous owner and the impression I got is it's not engine out job (don't quote me on that) - you'll need to search here for more details.
As for lower wishbone rear bush, I had the bush replaced on its own but whoever is doing it needs to be fairly clued up about it. Again, this is a well discussed topic on front suspension (along with FRIP) and I'm sure others will chime in with info but you really need to do search first yourself.
Thu May 02 2019, 11:53am

Joined: May 21 2017
Member No: #3151
Location: South Queensferry
officer19 wrote ...

Hi again, car has been at local garage and strangely they say, despite DPF warnings, it's actually the glowplug relay and the EGR at the rear of the engine. Garage also states that they've spoken with a Citroen contact who advises that the rear EGR is an 'engine out' job!!!!

Noise I'm hearing when taking off is a worn bush at the bottom of the suspension on the NSF. Funnily enough, the OSF was done before I picked the car up. The owner chose to replace the whole unit but is it possible to just replace the bush?

If anyone recognises this issue can the exact part description be provided so I can look at buying a new one.

Thanks as ever for all comments.



De-pollution fault is a generic term not necessarily a Diesel Particle Filter (DPF) warning! The rear EGR valve can be replaced with the engine in but it is a pig of a job. Expect a bill for 3 to 4 hours. Some specialists choose to remove the engine as it can be almost as quick if you've had a lot of practice. Give Robert a ring at BL Auto's for a more accurate assessment or search the forum for tips as some of us on here have done it in the past!

The suspension bush is likely to be this one...
- Click Here -

an easy job (about 30-45 mins at most) with the right tools.

As for the Glow plug relay fault.... It's possible (likely) to be some of the glow plugs themselves. Another tricky job to do without snapping the old ones!

Best of luck and let us know how you get on..

Thu May 02 2019, 11:59am

Joined: May 21 2017
Member No: #3151
Location: South Queensferry
Just noticed you're in Greenock!
If you fancy a drive out to East Calder I can do the bush for you this weekend if you can get one? I might be able to get one but not at eBay prices. I won't have time to do the EGR valve but might have time to test the glow plugs and confirm if a relay is required.

Thu May 02 2019, 12:49pm
Joined: Apr 18 2019
Member No: #3896
Location: Greenock
MGmike, that's a very kind offer, my sincere thanks.

Unfortunately, commitments rule this weekend out but next one would be good if convenient for you. The garage intend to replace the relay tomorrow (on order from Citroen) so it'd just be the bush.

Thank you again.



Thu May 02 2019, 02:27pm

Joined: May 21 2017
Member No: #3151
Location: South Queensferry
I've got commitments for the next two weekends, sorry.
Your faults are not fatal and if you want to hang on until we're both available just send me a PM with availability and I'll do likewise.

Thu May 02 2019, 04:33pm
Joined: Apr 18 2019
Member No: #3896
Location: Greenock
No problem, I'm free every Thursday and Friday - don't know if that would suit you any better?

If not, I'll drop you a message and we'll get a weekend arranged.



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