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Gear Change of my c6

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Wed Dec 27 2017, 01:06pm
Joined: Oct 15 2017
Member No: #3300
Location: RUBENA
Hello colleagues, I'm going to ask you a question. Occasionally (it may be without doing it for a week or two) the change of my c6 does a very strange thing. from 3 speeds, the changes revolutionize me a lot and when the gear is engaged, it hits me with a sharp jerk and always when I've been walking through the city. When I take it the next day the change makes it normal. The only thing I've done was to change the oil of the change. Greetings and Merry Christmas.
Thu Dec 28 2017, 06:40pm
Joined: May 23 2014
Member No: #1722
Location: Krokstadelva
Hi, go for a flush of the gearbox. The workshop need to have specific tool to put on instead of the oil cooler. I use Total xld fe on mine. If flush doesnt help, I would go for a new valve body. I bought it from onestopgearboxshop.co.uk. Fantastisc service!

Merry christmas from Norway, Christian
Mon Jan 01 2018, 11:54pm
Joined: Oct 15 2017
Member No: #3300
Location: RUBENA
I've already checked when he does it and it's when I street with him by city and he has to make many gear changes. Will it take too much temperature and fluid from the box? Low level? If it is from the valves, would it always not? Thank you

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