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Driver seat (LHD)

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Author Post
Sat Mar 23 2019, 09:49am
Joined: Feb 14 2017
Member No: #3006
Location: Tampere
Fixed my driver seat heat element.For some reason I can´t install my seat back anymore because the seat does not travel far back enough to reveal front bolts.
I have the seat on carage floor and all seems otherwise normal, it goes all way to max front position but not far enough to rear position ( missing 4 cm ). 3.0 Hdi.

Have not touched to any motors or any moving parts else except seat leather.

As seat reaches to it´s max.(4cm short) rear position I can hear Ecu clicking and cutting of like it does on the other end.
Bolts are not in away. Seat is now upside down and I can test it, motor is fine, seat mvoes smoothly.Can´t see anything blocking the movement. Any idea what could be wrong? Seat is with memory and position sensor readings are ok.
I believe this is some mechnacical issue.

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