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Wed Oct 26 2011, 04:31pm
Joined: Dec 11 2009
Member No: #21
Location: Scotland
I have followed this up with VOSA and have a very interesting reply... they certainly know about the problem.

A key trigger in their actions would be a documented incident involving detachment of the joint or an incident or accident attributable due to mal-function in the pivot joint.

Some of the things to keep in mind are that "The definition of a safety defect, as described in the Code, is ‘a feature of design or construction liable to cause significant risk of personal injury or death’. Those defects that are attributable to neglect, lack of maintenance, abuse, fair wear and tear and provide sufficiently advanced warning to a driver are not normally taken forward"

So if the prescribed maintenance schedule (2 years or 20,000 miles) is too long to be able to detect deterioration or even the annual MOT period is too long for this particular joint and its failure mode, this might be grounds for further follow up... or if the warning signs to a driver are not sufficient obvious...

In the meantime, I would urge anybody suffering this problem to use VOSA's reporting system to at least make them fully aware of the extent of the issue.


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