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Sphere Pressure Tester

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Thu Apr 18 2013, 05:39am
Joined: Dec 19 2010
Member No: #320
Location: Bedfordshire, UK
Here's a picture of a home made tester that I've 'borrowed' from of the French Car Forum members

It could be adapted for use on a C6 with the substitution of LDS instead of LHM.

A pressure regulator block is used to screw the sphere into. It's bleed screw is used to release pressure from the system after testing.

An HP pump is used to pressurise, just by turning the wheel by hand

Wed May 01 2013, 02:59pm
Joined: Aug 15 2012
Member No: #988
Location: Podhajska
How to use:: - Click Here -

Before starting measuring the sphere pressures make sure there is enough of the right hydraulic fluid in the sphere tester.

Before placing the sphere on the tester check that the rubber sealing is in place.

Tightning the sphere with your hands is more than sufficient to get a proper sealing. If not use a new rubber seal.

There are 4 basic conditions you can run into during testing a sphere;

1. While increasing the pressure the reading stops between 0 and 10 bar. This means that the sphere has very low presure left. A refill of spheres below 10 bars is not advised, because the spheres membrane will most probably have already weak spots which might cause it to tear in the not to far future.

2. When increasing pressure the gauge reading goes up and stops between 10 and 80 bars. This means the spheres membrane is ok, and the pressure can be checked against the required value for that type of sphere (see sphere pressures ).

3. The gauge reading does not stop at the maximum value for the sphere but continues to increase. This means the membrane is most probably defective, and the sphere is filled up with hydraulic fluid. Don't stress your tester . Above 80 bars no sphere should operate. Increasing the pressure above that will put a heavy load on the construction of your tester.

4. After every increase of pressure, pressure drops. This could be caused by a defective membrane leaking gas.

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